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Tag: short stories

Sean of the South: Love

By Sean Dietrich We were newlyweds, living in a grungy apartment. Each morning, I would wake before her. I would pass my morning hours writing poetry...

Sean of the South: New Year

By Sean Dietrich The misperception about New Year’s is that it’s supposed to be a happy occasion. Sort of like Christmas. Or a birthday party. But...

Sean of the South: Waffle House

By Sean Dietrich The Third Day of Christmas. My three French hens must have gotten lost in the mail. The weather was a stolid 34...

Thankful for Change: Honoring Legacy Through Life’s Unfamiliar Moments

Inspired by Roy Warner; Written by Shantelle Dedicke This past August, my life shifted irreversibly with the passing of my grandfather, Roy Warner. To my...

Sean of the South: Loved Ones

By Sean Dietrich The letter came via email. “My dad died last year and I don’t really know what to do with myself anymore. My...

Sean of the South: Angels

By Sean Dietrich When I was a kid, my mother believed in angels, but I didn’t. I was on the fence about angels. I didn’t...

Sean of the South: Becca at Sunrise

By Sean Dietrich Sunrise on Lake Martin. I’m usually the first one awake. I rarely have any company in the mornings. I wake up with...

Sean of the South: Kansas

By Sean Dietrich Kansas City International Airport. I was standing in a long, LONG line, waiting to board my plane. We were like cattle, clogging...

Sean of the South: I Heart America

By Sean Dietrich A television is playing in a Birmingham bar. The talking head is shouting politics. Most folks in this joint are below thirty,...

Sean of the South: Daddies

By Sean Dietrich The boy holds his fish as high as he can. His father hugs him and kisses his hair. They make a fine...
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