Saving the Green Space at Bluewater Bay Update


By Barbara Palmgren

It’s exciting to report that Preserve Bluewater Bay (PBWB) is edging even closer to its goal of saving 150 acres of green space at Bluewater Bay. Owning the land ensures that Bluewater Bay remains the unique and beautiful community that is celebrated throughout the area.

David Rauch from PBWB updated that the agreed price of $2.3 million still could use donations to make up a small difference. The officers are in the process of completing surveys for the sliver buyers and collecting pledges.

Blue Heron adult and babies close-up profile view on the nest, displaying their blue plumage feathers, wings, beak, eye, long legs with a blue sky background.  Heron Picture.Within the last several months, the organization received 501C3 eligibility required by the federal government. Organizations that qualify under the Internal Revenue Code are eligible for federal exemption from payment of corporate income tax. This should encourage a few more appreciated donations, so please visit the website at to make a pledge.

Yes, you are almost there. Since Preserve Bluewater Bay, Inc., has been granted the non-profit 501C3 status, more residents are making the important decision to help Bluewater Bay. The “Hi Ho Sliver” campaign to extend property lines on the golf course for those who live on the golf course is also still available as a way to become a serious and needed donor.

As a reminder, Preserve Bluewater Bay (PBWB) is a not-for-profit organization created by community members who want to save 150 acres of green space in Bluewater Bay from developers—a special spot of paradise. The green space will be saved from further housing development and preserved for future generations, because our community is coming together with donations to sustain the area. To those who have already pledged their commitment, thank you for your proactive support. To the rest of our community, we encourage you take advantage of this collective opportunity for preservation—we are almost there!

Contact David Rauch at 850-865-0897 or visit “Welcome to Preserve Bluewater Bay | A Community Effort” at to learn more and make your pledge.