The Novelist

By Sean Dietrich I went to the mailbox today and found a package. Before I opened the parcel I already knew what was inside. And...

DPC: A Possible Solution for Your Health Care Needs

By Dr. Kimberly P. Hood Attempted solutions for America’s health care issues have left doctors and patients with big government/insurance companies, who dictate how physicians...

Unraveling Myofascial Pain

By Janet Hardy, LMT, BCTMB Unexplainable tightness or pain could be caused by restrictions in our fascial tissue. Wrapping every cell, even infusing some cells,...

Off The Hook: Spring Fishing

Gray Triggerfish is Open in Gulf State and Federal Waters The recreational gray triggerfish season reopened to harvest in Gulf state and federal waters...

All Sports Association Honors Area Athletes

By Lori Leath Smith Each February, many of the area’s top high school, collegiate, amateur, professional, Special Olympics athletes, and individuals who have fostered youth...

5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

By Nellie Schlachter, Vice President-Retail Market Manager, Synovus Bank Writers have spun countless books and movie plots around the theme of one person pretending to be...

Meet our Local Pros: Skipper’s Furniture

Skipper’s Furniture and Mattress Depot is the ideal place to find the right mattress to give you a good nightʼs sleep, or to find...

Your Investments: Current and Future Considerations

By Maurice Stouse, Branch Manager and Financial Advisor The world economy has slowed over that past year, wages have increased in the U.S., there have...

Getting to the Cracks

By Matthew Vanderford, Claimology Spring is upon us and soon the winter’s chill will be just a memory. Earlier this morning I went outside attempting...

Business Empowered Celebrating 10 Years!

Who We Are Imagine if there was no help with spiritual encouragement, empowerment or equipping in today’s business marketplace? Fortunately, there is a way you...