Moms for Liberty: Standing Up for Parental Involvement


By Heather Bennett

We work hard to protect our children and embrace them with our family values. When we send them to school, we entrust their teachers and the school system to keep them on the straight and narrow, to cultivate their creativity and imbue them with a love of learning. As parents, the last thing we want to worry about is what they are learning, and what they will be exposed to.

Mothers across the nation are joining the group Moms for Liberty to advocate for parental rights in American school systems. If you are unfamiliar with their group, they are a grassroots, nonprofit nonpartisan organization that is nationwide. Their purpose is to fight for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. Since the organization started in January 2021, it has grown to over 80 local chapters in 33 states.

The Walton County chapter is led by local mothers who are encouraging parents to get involved in their children’s education. Krissa Johansen, Chapter Chair, who moved here from Kansas in 2020 with her husband and two kids, has seen what happens when parents become uninvolved and complacent with the public school system, and she wants to encourage others to get involved and contribute in a healthy, productive way. “I believe in leading by example, and I want to help keep our county great, which is why I felt compelled to start a Moms for Liberty chapter in our new home in Walton County,” said Krissa.

Krissa is joined by Lisa Robertson, Co-Chair. She is a retired USAF recruiter, medic, instructor and mother of two boys. She believes our country is only as strong as the people who participate and care enough to be involved. “Moms for Liberty provides an opportunity for all of us to do just that. Every child should be provided the opportunity to grow up and learn in a safe environment,” stated Lisa. “Moms For Liberty is an organization based in faith, family, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  I believe — the values our nation was founded on.”

Jolene Jashurek joins Krissa and Lisa as a Co-Chair. She and her husband moved to Florida 7 years ago when he retired from the Navy. She’s noticed what happens when parents and taxpayers aren’t involved with the local school board, and wants more parents to be involved to ensure our children are receiving the quality of education we all want. “It takes the entire community coming together on a local level to ensure Walton County remains and even exceeds where it is now. Moms for Liberty gives us all the ability to partner together for the well being of all our school-aged children, public school and homeschool alike. We are better and stronger together,” said Jolene.

Luckily for us, Walton County does not face many of the challenges that plague other school districts and parents across the nation. “Walton County has a wonderful superintendent that truly cares about the students overall health and success, and Moms for Liberty has a great working relationship with our school board and superintendent,” said Krissa. In Walton County, parents have the right to choose whether to mask their children or not. Parents have the right to choose whether to vaccinate or not. Moms for Liberty believes these decisions should be the parent’s choice to make, and Walton County recognizes and respects the parent’s right to do so.

If you are interested in joining Moms for Liberty, or learning more about the organization, please visit or email them at Moms for Liberty – Walton County chapter meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month. School board meetings are every first and third Tuesday of the month, which you are encouraged to attend.