Local Awards


By Shantelle Dedicke

It’s almost that time of year again when we prepare to submit our entries for local marketing, advertising, and public relations awards. No matter your industry, we encourage you to submit entries for awards to recognize your organization’s hard work and creativity.
You carve out time to analyze your work.

Awards applications are a great way to examine the work you have completed and determine what strategies were successful and what ones you want to tweak moving forward. The criteria make you reflect on your project performance and track your achievements, helping your organization complete measurable goals. Without applying for awards yearly, many of us would not take the time to look back on the projects we have completed and discover ways to improve our processes.

You receive third-party feedback.
We always receive feedback from our clients when completing projects for them, but when we submit award packages we are able to gain unbiased, third-party insight regarding our work. Even if we do not win in our respective categories, we think this factor alone is worth the entry fee. We use the judges’ evaluations to make adjustments for future projects which help us with our next award entry submission.

You might win!
The best part about applying? You have the chance to take home the prize! Although recognition is not everything, receiving an award for your hard work is great validation that your team produced quality work. Awards are also great to add to your resume or portfolio when searching for a new job or clients. Applicants who don’t prevail still receive great benefits, but winning respective categories is the icing on the cake!

If you have public relations work to submit for awards, consider entering the Florida Public Relations Association – Northwest Florida Coast Chapter Image Awards. If you have questions about the AAF awards, email shantelle@francesroy.com, and if you have questions about the FPRA awards, email hillaree@francesroy.com.

We hope you apply!