Local Author Announces New Release


Fighting for Your Purpose: From Sex Trafficking to Ministry

“Fighting for Your Purpose,” updated and expanded, by author Sula Skiles has just been released on Amazon! “People always ask me how I got through all of the trauma and pain in my life story,” says Sula. “In this book, I’ve poured almost everything that I’ve learned from the Lord, over 20 years, about freedom and finding life purpose. It’s loaded with scriptures and there is self-work at the end of each chapter so that you can talk to the Lord and apply what you’ve learned-great for small groups. If you came to me asking for ministry counseling or prayer, more than likely, the truths from this book would organically flow out of me to you.”

Sula unapologetically shares the traumatic and drama filled details of her life. As if speaking to a close friend, she holds nothing back in hopes that through her mistakes, pain and ultimately her miraculous life transformation, you would be drawn to the God who makes all things new.

In this book, you will:
• Journey through invaluable truths.
• Discover a closer relationship with God.
• Find freedom from your past.
• Learn what your God Purpose is and how to fight for it.

You can purchase Fighting for Your Purpose on Amazon or through her website sulaskiles.com.