Lauren’s Legacy Pregnancy Center A Place of Hope and Help


By Victoria Ostrosky

Life happens, doesn’t it? The unexpected slaps us in the face and our life begins to crumble. Maybe your pregnancy test came back positive. You’re young, single and still in school. What are your options? Or, perhaps, you’re a little older with a career and not sure if a baby will fit into your plans right now. How do you navigate these uncharted waters and with whom?

In March of this year, a new pregnancy center opened in Freeport as a resource for women and men in Walton and Okaloosa counties providing pregnancy testing and ultrasounds, parenting programs, assistance with community resources, and counseling for women in unexpected pregnancies.

At Lauren’s Legacy Pregnancy Center, they don’t provide for or refer for abortions, but they give education on abortions so women can make an informed decision. All services at the pregnancy center are free and confidential. Stacey Reed, the Executive Director, says it this way: “This is a safe place for women to discuss their options, to have someone who cares. Their story and needs are important to us.”

Laurens LegacyProtecting the most vulnerable and coming alongside to help those in need are some of the ways we can be the hands and feet of Jesus. We know He loves children and has compassion on the sick. We’re also familiar with the scripture where He said the second greatest commandment is to “love your neighbor as yourself.”

One of the many services the pregnancy center offers is parenting programs, where new parents take classes and receive baby items in return, such as car seats, diapers, and other needed supplies. This is a wonderful way for new parents to learn more about taking care of their newborn, and they can remain in the program until their baby is one year old.

Stacey was able to share, with permission, one young lady’s story. She was 30 weeks pregnant at the time and wanted to learn more about the center’s parenting program. “She and her husband had recently started their own business and were finding it difficult to make ends meet. She found our website and learned she could take our parenting program to earn a free car seat.” After completing enough classes to earn the car seat, she ended up taking additional classes. “Upon completion of those classes, she earned a stroller, bassinette, clothing, diapers, wipes, bottles, books and many other wonderful items.” So you see, there’s a lot more to the pregnancy center than just determining the viability of your pregnancy.

With this kind of assistance in providing resources and mentorship, only God knows the tremendous differences these services will make in the lives of everyone involved, not just now, but years into the future.

For women who want to give birth, but aren’t able to keep their baby, the pregnancy center offers referrals to local adoption agencies. There are many infertile couples who wait for years to adopt. The center also offers post-abortion support, understanding the need for heart healing.

Lauren’s Legacy Pregnancy Center is located at 16019 Hwy 331 Business in Freeport. Their hours of operation are Mondays and Fridays 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Thursdays 3 – 7 p.m. Appointments are encouraged. You can also call them at (850) 880-6287 or visit their website at to learn more about all the services they provide.