Exciting News! Saving the Green Space Update


By Barbara Palmgren

Preserve Bluewater Bay, Inc., is making remarkable progress towards finalizing the acquisition of 150 acres of green space in Bluewater Bay that defines this special spot of paradise.

Preserve Bluewater Bay (PBWB), a not-for-profit organization created by community members who want to save 150 acres of green space in Bluewater Bay that defines this special spot of paradise, has set a goal of raising $2.3 million by April 30, 2024, in order to purchase the land and save it from developers. So far, they’ve raised just over $2 million in pledges, and have been granted 501(c)(3) status, meaning that donations can be tax deductible.

I’ve been asked why I’m passionate about saving green space from future development, even though I don’t live in the community. Ironically, that was a question I was asked more than 11 years ago as a resident of Shalimar Pointe when the course was about to be purchased and turned into 160 homes.

Blue Heron adult and babies close-up profile view on the nest, displaying their blue plumage feathers, wings, beak, eye, long legs with a blue sky background. Heron Picture.Fortunately, at that time, my husband was an officer for Shalimar Pointe Homeowners Association. When he heard that this was a “done deal” at an executive board meeting, he immediately reached out to key people in the community to begin a journey like the one Bluewater Bay is embarking upon right now. A journey to remove the threat of additional homes, infrastructure, traffic problems and the loss of property values and green space. They say it takes a whole village to raise a child. It took 115 investors to save our green space and protect the entire community.

Witnessing the loss of the former Magnolia Golf Course, now abandoned and soon to be developed, the lesson has been painfully in front of Bluewater Bay homeowners. Witnessing the closure of the Lakes Course to development was another wake-up call. While attending a meeting of PBWB, I personally witnessed the loss of other golf holes and the driving range across from the clubhouse. When I entered the meeting, I felt the resolve and dedication to see that the carnage cease.

To stop the future development of green space occupied by the remaining golf course, officers and members of PBWB have worked tirelessly over the past months to raise funds.
Less than $300,000 is needed to make this happen. With your help, we can cross the finish line! Contact David Rauch at 850-865-0897 or visit preservebwb.com to learn more and make a pledge.

So, when I’m asked about why I’m passionate about helping Bluewater Bay save its green space from development, I can answer that I know it can be done. We did it in Shalimar. You can do it in Bluewater Bay. Why? Because stopping further housing development and saving green space will preserve the legacy that is Bluewater Bay for future generations.

Working together, a community can do anything. Let’s win this race!