Drip Tide Provides “Ebb and Flow”


“The EBB is the outgoing phase, when the tide drains away from the shore; and the FLOW is the incoming phase when water rises again.” —The Ocean

Drip Tide offers an “ebb” and “flow” for you through IV Vitamin Therapy, a fast, safe and easy way to replenish, revitalize, revive, refuel, restore and receive the fluids, vitamins and minerals for your thirsty body. From the inside out, Drip Tide provides hydration and sends blends of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and nutrients directly into your bloodstream to deliver dramatic results beyond those of oral and other traditional medications. Treatments can be used to aid with health conditions, to boost your energy and immunity, or to help with athletic training and recovery.

Whether you’re a business owner, a competitive athlete, a hard working parent, or you just partied a bit too hard over the weekend, IV Vitamin Therapy can help you recover faster. Just a few of the many health benefits you can experience include the following:
• Energy Boost
• Illness Prevention
• Enhanced Immune System
• Detoxification
• Chronic Fatigue Help
• Nutritional Support

All IV staff are certified and licensed nurses or practitioners. The Drip Tide Process takes approximately 45 minutes. You need only relax and enjoy your time! Done correctly IV hydration therapy is a safe procedure and some formulations have been around since the mid 1950’s.

Drip Tide’s revitalizing menu covers several types of IV drips you might need, from anti-aging beauty blends to immune system boosting, super antioxidant, to athletic recovery/optimization. Drip Tide also offers a rewards program for returning customers with up to $250 in clinic credit. To make an appointment, call 850-424-3600. Located at 1049 John Sims Parkway E, Ste 2, Niceville, 32578. www.easycarewalkinclinic.wixsite.com/easycare.