Celebrate the Season Bay Life Style!


Destin Commons’ Jolly Jubilee
Now through Dec. 24, FREE
Join in on a joyous series of holiday happenings at Destin Commons starting Black Friday through Christmas Eve, with the spectacular 50′ Christmas tree and 12 large reindeer topiary shrubs, multiple Christmas trees, Christmas carolers and live performances from Jazz Abouts, 4 for 4 Quartet, Emerald Coast Theatre Company, Ty Maroney (saxophone) and Sinfonia Youth Orchestra on the weekends. As always, children can visit Santa’s Wonderland in Bass Pro Shops and have a free photo taken as well as enjoy free crafts and games from now through Christmas Eve! Stores and restaurants may be open on Thanksgiving and earlier on Black Friday. Visit www.destincommons.com for a list of all openings as well as the schedule of events throughout the season.

2019 Geek Lights on the Corner in Bluewater Bay
Dec. 2 – Jan. 5, Beginning 6 p.m. nightly, Corner of Bluewater Blvd and Antiqua Way, FREE
The Geek Lights on the Corner consists of Christmas lights and other themed display elements, all under computer control and synchronized to music. Benefitting Caring & Sharing of Niceville, shows begin every 30 minutes starting at 6 p.m., with the last show starting at 9:30 p.m. Sunday-Thursday, and 10:30 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Each show opens with a story to set the mood, followed by approximately 25 minutes of music and dancing lights. You can follow the progress of the build, learn how to help, and get up-to-the-minute schedule information on the show’s Facebook page: Facebook.com/GeekLightsontheCorner/.

Northwest Florida State College presents A Christmas Carol
Dec. 5-7, 7:30 p.m. nightly, Mattie Kelly Arts Center Sprint Theater, Niceville, $25
Northwest Florida State College’s Division of Humanities, Fine, and Performing Arts presents Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol: A Live Radio Play adapted by Anthony E. This live dramatic and musical performance will take audiences back in time to the 1940’s when radio shows brought families together for story time and good, old-fashioned fun. A Christmas Carol unfolds with beautiful carols of the season sung by the student vocal group, Madrigal Singers, and features performances by student actors. Dancers from the NWF State College Dance Ensemble complete this holiday spectacle. To purchase tickets, call (850) 729-6000 or visit www.mattiekellyartscenter.org.

Freeport Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting
Dec. 7, 4:40 p.m., Freeport, FREE
Freeport’s annual Christmas parade and tree lighting on Dec. 7 will begin at 4:40 p.m.
This year’s parade, themed “Christmas Dreams,” will include festively decorated floats, vehicles, horses and marching bands and State Senator George Gainer as the Grand Marshall. Immediately following the parade, Mayor Barley will light the city’s Christmas tree to kick off dance and musical numbers. Performers include dancers from the Premier Performers Dance Studio; Ms. Olivia Huff performing a solo ballet; Freeport Elementary School’s Sophisticats Singers; Freeport Middle School and Freeport High School Choirs; and a live band. Free children’s crafts and photo opportunity with Santa will be available along with eats and drinks for sale. The new route, closed to traffic during the parade, begins at Freeport Elementary School, proceeds south on Business Hwy. 331, then turns west onto Hwy. 20. Parade participants will pass in front of Freeport City Hall then turn north onto Blueberry Road. Parking is available at Destiny Worship Center and other locations on Business 331 as well as on Hwy. 20. To apply for a parade slot until Nov. 27, visit www.freeportflorida.gov.

Kindness Connects the World
The Niceville/Valpairaso Annual Community Christmas Parade, Dec. 7, 10 a.m.
The Niceville-Valparaiso Rotary Club invites you to participate in the Annual Community Christmas parade themed “Kindness Connects the World.” Proceeds from parade entries support holiday meals for our Sharing & Caring families and other Rotary community service projects! Visitors and participants are also encouraged to bring NEW, UNWRAPPED TOYS for the Local Toys for Tots toy drive. The parade route begins on John Sims Pkwy at the intersection of Palm Blvd and treks to Partin Drive where the Parade will turn and travel down Partin between the Children’s Park and Ruckel Middle School. Location of the judging stand is in the Ruckel Middle School Parking lot on Partin Drive. To register, contact the Niceville-Valparaiso Rotary Club by Nov. 29 via Jimmie Boisjolie 699-0045 (text preferred) or email: nicevalrotary@yahoo.com or visit nicevillevalparaisorotary.org.

Sinfonia Presents Holiday Pops Concert featuring Matthew Morrison
Friday, Dec. 13, 7:30 p.m. – 10 p.m., Village Baptist Church, $29.50 to $55
Join Sinfonia for the most festive holiday concert along the Gulf Coast featuring Tony, Emmy and Golden Globe Award-nominated singer/actor of the stage and screen Matthew Morrison. Morrison joins Sinfonia’s full orchestra for an evening of the most cherished holiday medleys, plus many of the songs that he has performed throughout his incredible career including his role as Mr. Schuester on Fox’s musical comedy series, “Glee.” Bring the entire family for this special event. Tickets range from $29.50 to $55 per person, with student tickets for only $20. Guests can purchase tickets online on the Sinfonia website or by calling the box office at 850-460-8800.

Christmas Memories – Niceville Chorus Holiday Concert
Sat., Dec. 14, 3:30 – 6 p.m., Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Niceville
The Niceville High School Chorus will host it holiday concert at the Mattie Kelly Arts Center Dec. 14. To purchase reserved seating for $10, visit mattiekellyartscenter.org or call (850) 729-6000. The Niceville HS Music Department provides students in six choirs with vocal and theory training and opportunities to perform locally and internationally.

Yule of Yesteryear
Dec. 14, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Heritage Museum of Northwest Florida
This annual celebration features food and crafts from local restaurants and artisans along with live music and more. Come hungry and ready to support your community by shopping local for your last-minute Christmas gifts!

Niceville-Valparaiso Christmas Boat Parade
Fri., Dec. 20, 6 p.m., $30 Registration
Emerald Coast Marine will be hosting the Niceville-Valparaiso Rotary Club’s Inaugural Christmas Boat Parade! Boats will leave the Emerald Coast Marina and travel Southwest to Toms Bayou past Lincoln Park, turn east toward Lions Park and return Northward to Emerald Coast Marina. Grand prizes to be announced during Ceremony at Emerald Coast Yacht Club following the Parade. Awards and festivities will follow at the pool area of Emerald Coast Marine. Food trucks and vendors will be on site and proceeds will benefit A Bed 4 Me. For more information visit www.nicevillevalparaisorotary.org.

Santa Paddle Parade – Bluewater Bay Marina
Dec. 21, 12 p.m. – 3 p.m., Bluewater Bay Marina Complex, $30
Join this fun Santa Paddle in Rocky Bayou! The 1st 50 to register receive a “Summer” Santa Suit to Paddle in. The entire place will be filled with Rocky Bayou SANTAS and proceeds from the race will benefit Sharing and Caring, Niceville! The cost is $30. You can register at the Bluewater Bay Marina, 290 Yacht Club Dr. There will be lunch and beer specials after the parade. Early Package pick-up Friday, Dec. 20, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

8th Annual Bluewater Bay Christmas Boat Parade
Dec. 21, 4 p.m. – 11 p.m., Bluewater Bay Marina Complex, $25 or 10 Canned Goods
Bluewater Bay Marina will be having their 8th Annual Christmas Boat Parade on Sat., Dec. 21 at 5:30 p.m. Skippers meet at 4 p.m. and parade staging starts at 5 p.m. Boat must be pre-registered for the parade. The cost is 10 canned goods for Niceville Sharing & Caring or a $25.00 check made payable to Sharing and Caring. The parade course exits Bluewater Bay Marina north to Nelson’s Cove, around Rocky Bayou, south to the Rocky One marker and then returns to Bluewater Bay Marina.