Home Wellness


Wellness and fitness news, health information and tips from local wellness experts in Freeport and Niceville, Florida, including the Hammock Bay and Bluewater Bay areas surrounding the Choctawhatchee Bay.

My name is Matthew Vanderford. I am a public adjuster. If you don’t know what that is, you can call me to find out or read more of my columns. Because this article isn’t about public adjusting. My name is Matthew Vanderford. I am a father of four children. But...
By Lisa Leath Turpin, Health and Wellness Coach Do you remember the college “Freshman 15”? Eat anything you feel like, play hard, drink more and watch movies. It’s easy to gain weight when you are eating more and moving less, which is exactly what’s happening to many people currently during...
QUESTION: I have been cooped up in my house for so long because of our “new normal” during the pandemic. I limit my trips outside the house to a bare minimum. Only for really urgent trips for food or medicine. But I’m getting a little stir crazy. Do you...
Dr. Richard Chern, M.D., communicated with several experts and wrote the following statements to let the community know the latest information on ways to combat COVID-19: • Highest risk individuals are those who have diabetes, high blood pressure (especially on ACE inhibitors), COPD, cardiovascular disease, age over 65 and males....
By Dr. Kimberly P. Hood Attempted solutions for America’s health care issues have left doctors and patients with big government/insurance companies, who dictate how physicians run their offices and see patients, only to reimburse doctors 70% of the time. This interference has caused higher overhead expenses due to the need...
By Janet Hardy, LMT, BCTMB Unexplainable tightness or pain could be caused by restrictions in our fascial tissue. Wrapping every cell, even infusing some cells, our fascia, or connective tissue, forms one continuous web from head to toe throughout the entire body, surrounding all structures, not just the muscles. Ideally,...
White-Wilson Medical Center is home to more than 20 specialties of medicine along with walk-in immediate care. All four of its clinics remain open and poised to continue providing a full range of health services to the community. “For those who are in need of health care, we are here,”...

Ask Dr. Marty

QUESTION: I’m really worried about Coronavirus (COVID-19). Do you think I should just order all my groceries online, pull the covers up over my head and stay home? ANSWER: The first consideration for each of us is whether you are elderly, or if you have an underlying medical problem (like...
By Dr. Richard Chern, MD Coronavirus is very similar to influenza and many of my peers have asked,”What’s the hype? Am I missing something here?” The rate of death from influenza is about 0.5% and the rate of death with coronavirus is about 3%. This is still fairly low, but...

Do You Wanna Get High?

By Lisa Leath Turpin, Health & Wellness Coach The exercise high that is! Through this column, I have encouraged you to just MOVE. Movement of any kind is beneficial. Even if you have limitations, please try to get moving in any capacity. Exercise is health-enhancing and life-extending, but many think...
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