Home Wellness


Wellness and fitness news, health information and tips from local wellness experts in Freeport and Niceville, Florida, including the Hammock Bay and Bluewater Bay areas surrounding the Choctawhatchee Bay.

By Kassia Garfield, owner MaxStrength Fitness As a physical therapist and owner of MaxStrength Fitness of Niceville, I get asked a lot about knee pain and tendonitis. There is a lot that can be done to reduce knee pain early on, and then ways to reduce the progression of osteoarthritis...
By Kay Leaman, Health Architect, HealthyDay HealthyLife Some of us have sedentary seasons, others have sedentary jobs and others have sedentary lifestyles. The definition of sedentary is settled as in non-migratory, not physically active or permanently attached like the barnacles on a boat or the couch showing visitors exactly where...
By Stephenie Craig Our oldest son walked away from us and into his dorm just before we headed out of town after the first college move in. The symbolic moment of him walking away from his childhood and into his adulthood wasn’t lost on me and brought some tears. Now...
Emerald Coast Hospice will join the Alzheimer’s Association Central North Florida Chapter as a 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer’s® Local Presenting Sponsor for the Emerald Coast Walks in Okaloosa County and Panama City. The Walk to End Alzheimer’s Emerald Coast will be held on Sunday, Oct. 27 in Okaloosa...

The Dirty Dozen

By Kay Leaman, Health Architect, HealthyDay HealthyLife It sounds like a western. However, these don’t carry guns, ride horses or fight outlaws. These dirty dozen do, however, have an effect on our health. Every year, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases its Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 list. This list is...
For the fourth year in a row, Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast is on Newsweek’s list of America’s Best Maternity Care Hospitals at the highest five ribbon level. The Best Maternity Care distinction recognizes facilities that have provided exceptional care to mothers, newborns, and their families based on three data...

Words Matter

By Kirk McCarley I came across a video where the speaker was addressing leadership effectiveness among prominent politicians. He was complimentary of one person being bold and decisive in what they stood for contrasting that with another who was less adamant, even “wishy washy.” As I watched, I found myself...
By Kelly Stalnaker Aside from your initial Medicare enrollment and “special” enrollment for life changing events (moving to a new address, losing your coverage, etc.), you can only make changes to your Medicare plan during the Open Enrollment Period. From October 15 through December 7 only, you can join, drop...
By Kassia Garfield How Much Activity is Enough? A lot of people ask me how much activity they should be doing to stay healthy. People still need to be generally active in their day, and then ALSO add in a higher intensity workout. The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of...

Don’t Rush It

By Stephenie Craig I found myself standing in the kitchen littered with craft buckets, rocks, pillows, stress balls, chore charts, money charts, an emotions poster, and a desperate grasp for control and change. More than one of the kids were in developmental seasons of big feelings with big behavior and...
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