Breaking Bread with American Lunch


By Heather Bennett

Food insecurity along The Emerald Coast is an ongoing issue. However, with many people out of work and kids home from school due to COVID-19 it’s now something that has been brought to the forefront of the community.

American LunchYou may have seen the American Lunch food truck handing out free lunches the last couple of months. They are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been delivering free hot meals to people in need since 2012. They receive 1% of the proceeds from Morgan family restaurants like Harbor Docks, La Paz, The Local Market and Camille’s to cover operating costs. Recently, they’ve been serving up free lunches on The Emerald Coast during the shutdown.

“We’re doing it because we know these times are tough, and food is hard to come by for people, and people need to eat,” said Eddie Morgan of Harbor Docks. “We’re going to be regularly ordering food to keep feeding people.”

American Lunch not only serves The Emerald Coast, but also is available in other areas of the south – Athens, Georgia, Birmingham, Mobile, and Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where Morgan family restaurants are located. Since serving free meals is something American Lunch has done for years, they will continue to help the communities as we reopen.

If you would like to know more, check out their website at or their Facebook page