A Pastor’s Ponderings: A Good Soldier in God’s Army


Adapted by Pastor Doug Stauffer

2 Timothy 2:3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
I am a soldier in the army of my God;
The Lord Jesus Christ—my commanding officer.
The Holy Bible—my code of conduct;
Faith, prayer and the word—my weapons of warfare.
The Holy Ghost is my teacher
I have been trained by experience,
Tried by adversity, and
Tested by fire.
I volunteered for this sacred army
With a commitment eternal,
And a pledge never to waver or swerve.
I will either die on the battlefield or retire at the rapture;
Unyielded in stance, committed never to falter.
I will not get out, sell out,
Be bought out, or pushed out.
Faithful and reliable, in my Lord, I stand capable and
Dependable in His service, my commitment unshakeable.
When my God calls, I am there—steadfast and true,
In Sunday School, teaching or guiding the youth,
Helping adults, and ever willing to embrace new truths,
Available to serve, a soldier prepared
I pledge to be steadfast by His love ensnared.
I am not a baby and require no special care,
No need to be pampered, petted, or primed
To be pumped up, picked up, or artificially spared—
For I stand as a soldier, with a heart prepared.
No one needs to call me, remind me, write me, or visit me,
No one needs to entice me or lure me,
For I am a soldier, in discipline exquisite,
I do not waver, for I am committed.
I am not a wimp, but a warrior strong,
I am in my place, saluting my King.
Obeying His orders,
Praising His name,
Preaching His word,
Proud to Whom I belong.
No one has to send me flowers, gifts, food,
Cards, candy or give me handouts.
I do not need to be cuddled, coddled, cradled,
Cared for or catered to for I am committed.
I am a soldier
Devils cannot defeat me.
People cannot disillusion me.
Weather cannot weary me.
Sickness cannot stop me.
Battles cannot beat me.
Money cannot buy me.
Governments cannot silence me, and
Hell does not frighten me.
As a soldier of Jesus Christ,
Even death cannot destroy me,
One day, my Commander-in-Chief
From the battlefield will promote me.
As a soldier in the Army of my God,
I march, claiming the victory already won,
I am a soldier marching heaven-bound.
Here I stand.

As we observe Memorial Day, a time set aside to honor and remember those fallen in service to our nation, let us also reflect on the spiritual battleground where each Christian stands as a soldier. Just as we remember those who sacrificed themselves for physical freedoms, we should also renew our commitment to the spiritual battle for souls. As good soldiers in God’s army, let us stand firm in faith, steadfast in duty, and ever vigilant in service, looking for the return of our King. On this day of remembrance, let the memory of the fallen inspire us to live with courage, dedication and unwavering faith, marching forward to the victory already won.

Dr. Doug Stauffer is pastor of Faith Independent Baptist Church. He was saved July 6, 1980, in Niceville, while stationed at the 33rd Tactical Fighter Wing at Eglin Air Force Base and has now been in the ministry for over 35 years.