Looking at How to Modify Your Home as You Age or Have a Loved-one with Disabilities?


Thinking about where you want to live when you retire? Looking at how to modify your home as you age or have a loved-one with disabilities? You want a certified expert to walk you through the process. The Randy Wise Homes Remodeling Division team of experts is here to assist you with your renovations to turn your home into your dream home.

According to a recent AARP survey, seventy-three percent of people over 45, plan to retire in their current residence as opposed to a nursing home or other institution. Forty-one percent plan to stay in their homes until age 81 or older.

Are you finding it difficult to climb stairs and reach low power outlets? There is no need to wait until the last minute to create a home that accommodates your future needs. With advancing age or a family member with a disability, many find themselves unable to get around the house with the same ease as in years past. Older homes’ floor plan may not facilitate easy movement with a wheelchair or walker. In other cases, bedrooms on upper stories may require walking up and down stairs. Front door steps can seriously hinder a wheelchair-bound individual’s ability to move around freely. Disability accommodations, such as widening doorways or adding a wheelchair ramp are often the best way to continue living in your home. Limited mobility can strike at any time; by making your home easy to maneuver early, you’ll be ready when you or a loved one needs it, no matter when that may be. The Randy Wise Homes Team of experts can build an environment that is both accessible and aesthetically desirable.

Randy WiseBy far the most compelling reason to begin aging in place remodeling early: gradual changes are not only easier on the budget, but more likely to maintain the overall flow of your home. A wheelchair ramp doesn’t need to look like a wheelchair ramp if its design was incorporated in the layout from the beginning. By keeping your own aging and the aging of those around you in mind whenever you remodel, the small alterations and additions that will make the space senior-friendly can be as attractive and fitting as they are practical.

Don’t forget about the modifications that may need to be made to the exterior of your home. Do you or your loved one have a service dog? You’ll want to make sure the exterior of your home is accessible and safe. The Randy Wise Homes team will evaluate your space to ensure you will have plenty of room for both of you to maneuver and load safely.

Finally, think about smart-home technology advancements that allow you to remain comfortably, and safely, in your own home. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it’s estimated that one out of every five adults in the United States is living with a disability. Further, about 13 percent of Americans have a mobility disability. Mobility challenges can stem from a variety of causes, including birth defects, amputations, general age-related impairments, or injuries. For someone who has developed an injury, the loss of freedom is one of their greatest fears, and they worry that they will no longer be able to live independently in their home. A variety of smart home solutions may assist those with mobility issues remain in their homes. The impact that such conveniences can have may be felt greatest of all for those that suffer from age-related or developmental disabilities.

Learn more, contact our Randy Wise Homes Remodeling Team at 850-678-7055 or visit RandyWiseHomes.com.