Preparing for the Unexpected: Inventory Checklists
By Victoria Ostrosky
Janet and Sam had just enough time to hurriedly, with shaking hands, grab some framed photos, their laptops and changes of clothes....
Taylor Haugen Foundation Names Six Scholarship Winners for Class of 2020
By Eddie Bird
With an unusual spring semester for the class of 2020, one thing remains the norm, an opportunity to receive a prestigious scholarship...
Food For Thought Supplies Food to Families Affected by COVID-19
By Jessica Roberts
Food For Thought’s mission is to remove the negative impacts of hunger and to empower children to get the most out of...
By Sean Dietrich
It was an average Tuesday morning at the VA hospital. Elderly Sam Nilva awoke in his bed with crusty eyelids from sleep....
Auditions for Northwest Florida Ballet 3rd Grade Académie June 27
The Northwest Florida Ballet (NFB) Académie will hold auditions for 3rd graders entering the 2020-2021 academic year on June 27 from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m....
Aspire 4 Music
By Lisa Cyr
The deer ate all of my green bean plants yesterday, then began to eat the roses in my front yard. My piano...
June Fishing Report
By Cali Hlavac
As we ease into summer and reopening our economy, vacationers are hitting the area by the droves – and we are so...
COVID-19 Hometown Heroes: Part 2
By Rita L. Sherwood
We are truly blessed to live in such a giving community; our local heroes are almost too many to count. In...
Gov. Ron DeSantis Rolls Out Phase 2
Safe. Smart. Step-By-Step. Plan
Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Florida’s move into Phase 2 of his Safe. Smart. Step-By-Step. Plan for Florida’s Recovery with Executive Order...
So Others May Live: Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers, Saving Lives, Defying...
By Martha J. LaGuardia-Kotite, former Captain USCG
Immense Pacific Ocean seas rolled ashore. The frigid salt water swept into the mouth of the Oregon cave...